Lou Bodycomb
Hi I'm Lou,
I’m an experienced naturopath with holding a degree in Health Sciences in Naturopathy. I love my work as a naturopath, combining my general complementary medicine skills with kinesiology techniques including NET, along with nutrition, herbal and homoeopathic knowledge.
I became interested in weight management as for several years, despite eating “like a naturopath” (that is - very healthily!) I have suffered from constant weight gain. I tried many approaches until I finally found a personalised nutrition plan that worked for me.
Finally, I found a solution that works, in a sustainable long-term way. I’m excited to offer my clients support and coaching with their own personal Metabolic Balance nutrition plans to reduce inflammation, address a range of health conditions and reach their goals.
I love motivating people to make change gently in lifestyle, diet, introducing compatible exercise and nutrition. I’m experienced in naturopathic wellbeing support for reducing alcohol (and other substances) consumption.
I simply love herbs and find nutraceutical compounds very effective and safe.
As a generalist naturopath I like to work with you to address sleep and anxiety conditions, improve mood, treat the underlying drivers of chronic conditions.
If you're feeling aches, pains, sleep difficulties, weight gain, less energy than you used to have, starting to notice age-related conditions creeping up, have concerns about changes in your medical blood tests, or even if you'd like a regime to support your skin and keep it glowing, I have a range of complementary therapies to help. By targeting the ageing, or "senescence" of body cells the upstream effect is improvements in many health conditions.
The body has an amazing capacity to heal, especially with some naturopathic supports.
If you’re seeking help to feel less stressed and on top of your life - confident that you’re doing your best - book in for a chat or consultation.
What does a naturopath do and how I can help you:
Naturopaths are trained in health sciences and are the “Original Wellness Experts”.
Expect a very detailed consultation including looking at your blood tests and other diagnostic measures. It’s not just a “bandaid” but delving into the underlying causes of your health issues. From there you will have a treatment plan to address your imbalances so you achieve better health.
You might walk away with some lifestyle changes, dietary advice and appropriate personalised complementary medications which might included herbs and nutritional support.
Examples I can assist you with:
- Body composition and weight management
- Sleep and stress management concerns
- Detoxification and changing habits to healthier options (Vino Rehab program coming soon!)
- Cognitive health
- Cardiovascular health
- Reducing inflammation and inflammageing
- Skin health and ageing (supporting skin architecture)
- Biohacking and epigenetics to influence genetic health
I can help you address health concerns like these and more.
To deliver Effective Personalised Solutions supporting you to Feel, and Glow, Your Personal Best
Bachelor of Health Science - Naturopathy
NET Basics for Neuro-Emotional Clearing
Fitgenes Accredited practitioner
SmartDNA practitioner
Designs for Health Practitioner
Thyroid Training
Professional Registrations
Member Australian Traditional Medicine Society